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Support university students with assistive technology for maths and science

Makes maths and science based subjects both digital and accessible. Type, handwrite, or dictate any expression, with no tricky coding to master.

Equatio product UI

Why choose Equatio for DSA students?

Provide choice for students and help them to visualise equations.

someone using equatio form builder on a computer in a lab

Empower students with dyscalculia to demonstrate their knowledge

Equatio helps to make complex equations more understandable. It helps students by predicting maths expressions as they type, allowing them to create complex formulas without worry. This reduces stress about the recall of keyboard shortcuts. Equatio’s handwriting tool can be used instead of typing and keyboard shortcuts which will reduce anxiety, and stress, and reduce strain on working memory.

Equatio’s mobile app helps to reduce anxiety when faced with equations or formulas that are inaccessible either on hard copy, in a pdf, or even handwritten expressions.

An Everway team member using a laptop with headphones on

Support students with dyslexia access scientific content

Equatio allows students to hear mathematical and scientific formulae and symbols aloud. It allows students to create equations, formulas, Desmos graphs and more on their computer. They can type, handwrite, or dictate any expression, without having to learn to code or to master mathematical languages.

The Screenshot Reader in Equatio helps students to access inaccessible or complex maths or science into speech, allowing them to hear the content read aloud. This auditory reinforcement, combined with visual tracking, enhances comprehension and makes studying more manageable and efficient.

An individual sitting at a desk working on a computer

Helps students with mental health conditions to avoid overwhelm

Equatio has a vast library of ready-made expressions. Students can add anything from simple formulas to complex functions, all at the click of a button, saving valuable time. This is helpful for any student who experiences overwhelm and disruption in their workflow.

The Screenshot Reader in Equatio supports users with mental health conditions by converting inaccessible or complex maths or science into speech, allowing them to hear the content read aloud. This auditory reinforcement, combined with visual tracking, enhances comprehension and makes studying more manageable and efficient.


Make maths and science notation digital and accessible.

Equatio Mobile feature in action

Equatio Mobile

All the tools for digital maths, right at your fingertips, on a mobile device or iPad.

Speech Input feature in action

Speech Input

Dictate equations and formulas aloud. Equatio understands what you’re saying, turning your spoken input to written expressions.

Screenshot Reader feature in action

Screenshot Reader

Turn any equation across the web into accessible, editable maths with the Equatio Screenshot Reader.

Handwriting Recognition feature in action

Handwriting recognition

Handwrite maths expressions using a touchscreen device or mouse pointer.

Desmos graph calculator feature in action

Desmos Graph Editor

Create and customise single or multiple graphs, plot ordered pairs or tables of points and more, with this tool powered by Desmos graphing calculator.

Equation editor

Create your maths and science expressions by typing right into the editor.

LaTeX Editor

Equatio’s technology has taken the hard work out of creating and editing LaTeX expressions.

Use anytime, anywhere, on any device.

Equatio is available for Windows, macOS, Google Chrome, iOS and Android. Students can use Equatio on their Chromebook, laptop, MacBook, tablet or phone.

Icons for Windows, Edge, Office 365, Chrome, MacOS, iOS and Android

  • In FY2019/20 75,900 students from England and Wales received DSA.
  • We have been supplying our tools through the DSA for more than 25 years.
  • Over 9,000 new Equatio licences have been distributed through the DSA channel.

Frequently asked questions

What’s included in an Equatio DSA subscription?

Read&Write is beneficial for people with dyslexia, ADHD, Autism, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia and A subscription means students can enjoy the benefits of Equatio across all platforms including Windows, Mac, Google Chrome, Mobile, and mathspace.

DSA Equatio licences now include OrbitNote, our PDF editor.

How does Equatio support math for visual spatial learners?

Equatio makes math concepts accessible for visual spatial learners. This is students who excel at understanding and processing information in a visual or spatial way. These learners often think in images, and they can visualize problems and solutions in their minds. Equatio helps by providing dynamic visual tools like graphs, geometric shapes, and drawings, which allow students to see how math concepts work. This helps turn abstract problems into interactive, understandable visuals. With Equatio Mathspace, learners can combine equations with visual elements, supporting their unique learning styles and encouraging creative problem-solving.

Can Equatio work with my LMS?

Yes! With our Chrome extension, you can easily insert math into Rich Text Editors in many widely used LMS platforms like Canvas, D2L, Schoology, Blackboard, Moodle, and more. This offers a smoother experience than the LTI plugin. Additionally, we offer direct LTI integration with major LMS providers like Canvas, Schoology, and Brightspace for even more flexibility.