Help students access grade level text
uPar is a universal reading screener. It helps educators to determine how students best understand text. uPar also pinpoints which accommodations are best for each student.
uPar is a universal reading screener. It helps educators to determine how students best understand text. uPar also pinpoints which accommodations are best for each student.
Empower students to read their way by using uPar to screen for reading challenges and identify appropriate accommodations.
Many students with dyslexia read below grade level. Shifting some of the burden from the written word can help to raise self esteem and allow students to access content independently. uPar data identifies accommodations that work for individual students’ reading needs.Helping students to read in the way that they learn best.
uPar pinpoints students who could benefit from read-aloud accommodations. This means that more students can get the support they need to access grade-level text. When educators can provide students with digital text and Text-to-Speech, they have the freedom to move students from their leveled reading groups and teach to their interests. This allows them to engage students on grade-level standards.
uPar enables educators to provide a curriculum that caters to many unique minds and learning preferences. It forms part of a process that helps to identify students’ individual needs and deliver appropriate support tools. This UDL-based process drives inclusion and puts the student at the heart of learning.
uPar shows students how they best understand written text. Giving them the opportunity to take control of their own learning helps them to advocate for themselves.
uPar is steeped in research to provide accurate recommendations for reading accommodations.
Helps students independently access the curriculum by showing their reading comprehension abilities with a read aloud accommodation.
uPar’s recommendations are based on what each individual student needs to understand text.
uPar grew out of research by Dr. Denise DeCoste and Linda Bastiani Wilson as well as real-world implementation in school districts across North America.
Upar diagnostic data helps to provide clear IEP recommendations, including testing accommodations. Data can be printed or saved to include in IEP documentation.
uPar provides feedback directly to the students during the process and useful data is shared directly with the student—helping them lead their own learning.
“Extra Time” Tracking: Extra time is the most common testing accommodation. Upar provides data about extra time to read independently compared to listening to text read aloud with a text reader.
Aggregate data: Looking at data for larger groups of students. Make more programmatic decisions. Reporting insights for grade level.
uPar works on all the major platforms including Chromebooks, iPads, PCs, Macs, and Android. Setup is easy with a variety of supports and configurations such as SSO, Google OUs, Google Classroom, Domain licensing, LTI app, and more.
All plans include:
$6.50 per license /yr
*Minimum order of 150 licenses
From $1.15 per license/yr
* Minimum order required. If you require more than 10,000 licenses contact Sales to discuss pricing tiers.
Kathy S. White, Assistive Technology Specialist & Co-Chair, AT Forward Project
How are the comprehension questions chosen for each reading?
We have four types of questions: Main Idea, Fact, Vocabulary, and Inference. If a student is doing poorly on the first questions, we'll end that early so you may not see all types of questions.
Is uPar data presented in real time for educators?
Yes - by refreshing the page, an educator can see the most up-to-date data.
Will uPar determine the independent reading level of the silent read if students are successful with the text reader?
uPar will test the student independently at the same level as their listening comprehension. In the future, we will work on the ability to add an independent reading level to the reports (and, even better, hopefully import IRL from reading assessments like Star and Map).
How will students get access to the protocol?
Educators will add students to the license at using their email address. This will provide the educators access to the individual student data as well as summary data.